On the same tray(base game, two isn't needed), luvluv box. Male 2, female 2
Invisible recolor
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On the same tray(base game, two isn't needed), luvluv box. Male 2, female 2
Invisible recolor
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My first bodyshop Sim! LOL! Dion Dixon. I just made her this morning. Well, technically she's not my first bodyshop Sim but the other one is going to appear in a story!:P Thanks Cherie and Emily for helping me out with bodyshop!:DMe just playing with a random pose box
She looks introspective, but still fierce!:P
This one reminded me of a Tyra Banks pose!
And then, of course, she reminds me she is a Sim!:D
Okay, Fran looked too fierce for me NOT to put her in here. This pose just didn't fit with the wedding chapter. Didn't work with the video...pity.
This is a discarded shot from the Alliances Christmas greeting. *shakes head* Look at those two! And looked who wallowed through the snow just to get over there!:P
Look at Damon's face! Haha!!
This is Ty trying to look bad. I'm trying to remember why I cut this from the story and used the other...maybe because of the clipping of the hands...
Everyone thinks Kaylee is so sweet and innocent! Riiiight! Of course that's Ty in the corner laughing it up!
Truth time! This isn't Kaylee and Ty. Well, it is but...
THIS is really them. They were the first kids I put through Uni and I didn't know they were going to graduate at different times because I hit the option for 'throw graduation' party for each of them. Ty graduated first and then Kaylee had her party but that's NOT what I wanted. And this is before I knew about Simpe and everything so I went into CAS and remade them. Yeah, I guess no one thought they looked different!:P
Ugh...this is what they grew them up into!! O_o This is when I was going to extract them into Serenity Cove but this shot was hilarious. Mirror images.
I liked this shot. The foliage and everything but it just didn't make sense to add it to the story. Of course little did I know that this scene was the one where Kaylee got knocked up which is why I wrote it into the story.
I got me a Plant Sim!(And I didn't cheat!:P)
Some before pics:Just a Sim I had awhile ago but I didn't really have a place for her. Sometimes, when I get bored, I just make Sims for fun. Her name is Beatrice.
Just another pose. I love taking side angles(as if you guys didn't know) and I thought she looked stunning here.
That's her: "I'm gonna kick your butt at chess" face.
Looking at her through the leaves. I was REALLY wanting a plantsim so I kept letting the trees and plants get buggy. I think this shot is my favorite...
She'd just lost her job. She wants to be a World Class Ballet Dancer.(and I've seen Bea dance)
I don't know why she's angry with me! *cough*Ipickedthewrongchancecard*cough*
But jumping rope makes it all better. I love those jeans from All About Style. They look like my jeans!:P Top is from Under Your Skin. Another thing that I'd wear!
What's the ominous music?
Some after pics:MY PLANT SIM!!!! Oh, yeah...I have a hack where they don't have to get dressed after the shower if they don't want. Obviously she didn't want to.
I love that expression on her face. Like she's checking to make sure everything is still there!
I love how she just reaches up and snaps that flower from the top of her head to play: "He loves me, he loves me not."
I thought this was cute. She looks so happy...I think her water levels were low...
LOL!! I NEVER use the karaoke machine now I'm going to have to. Who's sexy? Bea's sexy!
Shake, shake, shake....
None of the mess and once those spores are released you have a baby plant sim! Awww...
x-posted to simhavenI'm using one of SL brilliant shelves with this pose. I needed her to lean a certain way to make this work without the clipping of the hand. Shelves can be found here!
x-posted to simhaven.Just a test shot to see what the that pose looked like together. I have her sitting on silentludcity's OMSP(invisible recolor). I left it visible to show which one I used. A few possibilities for that pose I think...
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